A website by War Heritage Institute

Family visit at Bastogne Barracks

Fancy visiting the museum with children? On this page you'll find all the information you need!

Family visit at Bastogne Barracks

Family visit at Bastogne Barracks

Fancy visiting the museum with children? On this page you'll find all the information you need. Check out our prices for children, young people and families.


Activity for children (ages 4 till 9)

Discover the museum through various games developed for children aged 4 to 9. The games and anecdotes will introduce you and your children to all the vehicles and machines you can find in the museum. Moreover, you can use the poster at home! On the back you will find a model to cut out and assemble your own Sherman ‘First in Bastogne’. Ask for the poster at the museum reception or download below.


Activity for youngsters (ages 10 till)

With the tour ‘On the tracks’, we invite youngsters and adults to discover the collection with new and fresh eyes. The games and anecdotes are adapted to the lifeworld of young teenagers and invite them to actively discuss and debate the past and present. There will be no shortage of discussion topics at the table after a visit to the museum! Ask for the booklet at the museum reception or download below.


PS: You will receive a fun pencil at start of your visit, as about it at the reception desk!

Poster (ages 4-9)

Game tour (ages 10-14 )